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Helping spread good ideas  
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Canafrica was designed shortly after I finished University as a means of raising awareness of critical issues faced throughout the continent. As time went on and other priorities surfaced the website and the projects have been neglected. I would like to thank Jen McQuhae for all her hard work and dedication during this time by creating the McGill/Canafrica Chapter.

I am still a passionate supporter of programs and projects which create real wealth and positive change in Africa and I will continue to help with any questions, and post links to organizations which I believe are creating the positive changes we see throughout the continent.

If you are interested in having your organization or website featured please feel free to contact me.

Many places in Africa are fraught with misery, but we must always remember the beauty and resilience of the people and their drive to overcome hardships. This is one of the many things which makes Africa one of the most intriguing and vibrant places in the world.

We must continue to work and provide help for the approximately 300 million Africans who live in abject poverty. In addition Africa is home to two-thirds of the world's HIV-positive population.

There needs to be a concerted effort on the part of governmental and non-governmental agencies to treat malaria, dysentery, leprosy and other diseases which claim the lives of over 30,000 children every single day. We all must provide for the over 40 million children who are unable to attend school in Sub-Saharan Africa.

If we do not, they will be unfairly burdened and the rest of the world will pay for it in environmental, health and human costs.

I will continue to post pages and links which I find helpful and interesting, so please enjoy your stay and remember the problems faced in developing countries are not insurmountable they just need hard work and good ideas.


The Manzanar Project
Dr. Gordon Sato's Manzanar Mangrove initiative creates whole new forests of mangrove trees in vast areas of the world where mangrove trees do not grow. This contributes to alleviating poverty, creates food for livestock, diminishes deforestation, and produces a natural storm barrier.

MicroNutrient Initiative
The MicroNutrient Initiative is dedicated to ensuring that the world's most vulnerable - especially women and children - in developing countries get the vitamins and minerals they need to survive and thrive. 

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates created this foundation on the belief that all lives have equal value. Along with Warren Buffett the Gates' have dedicated time to improving health and reducing extreme poverty in the developing world.
An America public TV series that turns its lens on the global community.